Proper Golf Stance

5 Points to Add Backspin To Your Chip Shots

Chip Shots are important.  A good chip shot can turn three shots into two. Ideally, you want the ball to check up and stop fast with short chips, so you’ll need some extra loft on the shot. I’ve got 5 points to add backspin to your chip shots. These points can really improve your game around the green.


Below is a checklist for getting a chip to stop fast:

  1. Pick the right club

  2. Keep the same setup

  3. Hinge your wrists quickly

  4. Pinch, trap, and cover

  5. Pick the right landing spot

Picking the right club is key. You’ll probably want to use one of your most lofted-wedges. The more loft you use, the more backspin you can create. Backspin is what makes the ball check up when it hits the green.

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Use your normal setup. Some golfers move the ball way back in their stances to try and create more backspin. That can make it hard to get the ball airborne. Try playing chips from one ball position—off the instep of your back foot.

Hinge your wrists quickly on the backswing. You need wrist action to impart backspin. You should feel as if you maintain your wrist set through impact. And hit down on the ball. Think pinch, trap, or cover as you swing into impact. If you trap the ball correctly, it’ll pop out with spin.

Pick a good landing spot. Since a spinning chip shot checks up after one or two bounces, choose a spot that’s a few bounces away from your target. Hit correctly, this shot will save strokes.


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