Eliminate Your Slice Forever With This Drill

If you slice, you’ve probably tried many swing fixes to eliminate your slice without success.  The reason you’re slicing is that your clubface is open at impact. If you could learn to square your clubface at impact, you’d straighten out your slice.  Below is a three-step drill that teaches you to square your clubface at impact.

 Reverse Grip Drill:

Step 1: Take your normal address position with your driver. Reverse your hands on the grip. If you’re right-handed, this means placing your left hand below your right hand.

Step 2: Make fast aggressive swings using this reverse grip. Try to make the “whoosh” sound you hear louder every time you swing. Feel how the reverse grip makes it easy to turn your top hand over your bottom hand at the bottom of your swing.

Step 3:Take your normal grip. Hit some shots. Try to retain what it feels like when using the reverse grip. This is what your swing should feel like when your clubface comes square at impact.

The key to eliminating your slice is squaring your clubface at impact. Practice this drill to experience the feeling of what it’s like to square your clubface at impact.


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